React Roadmap for Beginners in 2022.

React Roadmap for Beginners in 2022.

➪ Before Jumping into React make sure that you're good at Javascript Fundamentals.

⇝ Fundamentals ⇜

➙ Create React app

➙ Function Components

➙ Class Components


➙ Props

➙ State

➙ useState and useEffect Hooks

➙ Conditional Rendering

➙ Lists and Keys

➙ Building Simple Forms

➙ Composition and Inheritance

⇝ Advanced Topics ⇜

➪ HTTP Requests

➙ Context Refs

➙ Refs

➙ Error Boundaries

➙ Portals



➪ Hooks

➙ useContext

➙ useReducer

➙ useRef

➙ useMemo

➙ useCallback

➙ Custom Hooks

➙ Higher-Order Components

➙ Render Props

➙ Reconciliation

➪ State Management

➙ Redux/Mobx/Recoil

➙ Apollo Client

➙ React Query

➪ Routing

➙ React Location

➙ React Router

➪ Styling

➙ Styled Components

➙ Tailwind CSS

➙ Chakra UI/ Material UI

➪ Forms

➙ Formik

➙ React Hook Form

➪ Testing

➙ Jest + React Testing Library

➙ Cypress

➪ Misc

➙ Gatsby

➙ Next.js

➙ Remix

➙ React native

Resources to Learn React.

Reference for this blog

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